• 3 kuni 4 korda pikem kasutusiga, kui fiiberketastel
• 30–40% kõrgem metallli eemaldamise kiirus võrreldes tavalise keraamilise lamellkettaga.
• Säilitab abrasiivi kõvaduse kogu kasutusea jooksul
• Elastsest looduslikust kiust kõrgtehnoloogilisest segust taustaplaat kaitseb keskkonda ja kasutajaid (ei emiteerita klaaskiu tolmu)
• On trimmitav, et kogu pinda täielikult kasutada
• Müra ja vibratsiooni summutav
• Sisseehitatud M14 keermega tööriistavaba ja kiireima tööriista jaoks
High stock removal rate, extremely long service life, evenly clean grinding pattern without material discoloration and smearing.Ideal for large, flat and uneven workpiece surfaces. High-tech zircon fabric. Highly elastic: adapts to any workpiece shape, for an unbeatable finish. Disc change in seconds thanks to Velcro attachment. 100% concentricity and secure hold thanks to centering pins. […]
Eisenblätter MAGNUM Cool Top 5+ flap disc. Grind longer, faster and more efficiently. Universally applicable for steel, cast iron and stainless steel. For surface and edge grinding, coarse and intermediate grinding, processing of fillet welds, rust removal, deburring and cleaning of cast parts. Backing plate made of food-safe, elastic special plastic: easy to trim, elastic, […]
This combination wheel allows cutting and scrubbing with just one product. This means that time-consuming replacement of the windows is no longer necessary. Ideal for changing cutting-grinding intervals. Ideal for all metals
Extremely precise cuts possible thanks to the disc thickness of only 1 mm. Ideal for all metals – simplifies material sourcing and storage Up to 50% more performance compared to conventional products. Enormous working time savings due to considerably less disc changes. High precision, aggressive cutting speed and extremely long service life.
This universal grinding disc is characterized by great aggressiveness, long service life and maximum stock removal. Ideal for VA. Also ideal for heavy deburring work.
Eisenblätter MAGNUM Cool Top 5+ flap disc. Grind longer, faster and more efficiently. Universally applicable for steel, cast iron and stainless steel. For surface and edge grinding, coarse and intermediate grinding, processing of fillet welds, rust removal, deburring and cleaning of cast parts. Backing plate made of food-safe, elastic special plastic: easy to trim, elastic, […]
Universal flap disc with outstanding grinding behavior on all materials thanks to 100% pure zirconia on 100% cotton fabric. Since Eisenblätter brought the first flap disc with pure zirconia fabric for high-speed angle grinders onto the market at the end of the 1970s, Eisenblätter has repeatedly influenced the development of the flap disc with innovative […]
Universal flap disc with outstanding grinding behavior on all materials thanks to 100% pure zirconia on 100% cotton fabric. Since Eisenblätter brought the first flap disc with pure zirconia fabric for high-speed angle grinders onto the market at the end of the 1970s, Eisenblätter has repeatedly influenced the development of the flap disc with innovative […]
Universal flap disc with outstanding grinding behavior on all materials thanks to 100% pure zirconia on 100% cotton fabric. Since Eisenblätter brought the first flap disc with pure zirconia fabric for high-speed angle grinders onto the market at the end of the 1970s, Eisenblätter has repeatedly influenced the development of the flap disc with innovative […]
Extremely precise cuts possible thanks to the disc thickness of only 1 mm. Ideal for all metals – simplifies material sourcing and storage Up to 50% more performance compared to conventional products. Enormous working time savings due to considerably less disc changes. High precision, aggressive cutting speed and extremely long service life.
The TRIMFIX® BLACK MAMBA® is a high-performance flap disc for steel. It is designed for extreme tool life and stock removal rates in modern steel processing. Due to the pure zirconium cloth with cooling agents and the large amount of abrasives, it is ideally suited for steel to stainless steel processing.s High-performance flap disc offers […]
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