Froniuse uue põlvkonna lihtsa ja intuitiivse menüüga DC TIG seade 210 A.
Kompaktne ja kerge, palju lisavarustust.
Ühilduvad uued kompaktsed erinevate juhtimismoodulitega Multilock põletid.
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Froniuse uue põlvkonna lihtsa ja intuitiivse menüüga DC TIG seade 210 A.
Kompaktne ja kerge, palju lisavarustust.
Ühilduvad uued kompaktsed erinevate juhtimismoodulitega Multilock põletid.
The TRIMFIX® BLACK MAMBA® is a high-performance flap disc for steel. It is designed for extreme tool life and stock removal rates in modern steel processing. Due to the pure zirconium cloth with cooling agents and the large amount of abrasives, it is ideally suited for steel to stainless steel processing.s High-performance flap disc offers […]
Highly elastic SC fleece flap disc – ideal fine machining of weld seams. Highly flexible, damping fleece flap disc with low overall height. High-quality surface conditioning (SC) fleece material for an extremely long service life. Ideal for subsequent high-gloss and mirror-finish polishing of stainless steel. Large effective contact surface area for greater heat dissipation. Ideal for rounding off […]
Highly elastic SC fleece flap disc – ideal fine machining of weld seams. Highly flexible, damping fleece flap disc with low overall height. High-quality surface conditioning (SC) fleece material for an extremely long service life. Ideal for subsequent high-gloss and mirror-finish polishing of stainless steel. Large effective contact surface area for greater heat dissipation. Ideal for rounding off […]
User-friendly since there are no glass fibre components, and environmentally friendly since it uses CO2-neutral natural fibre components. Working hours and tool costs are halved – and all for absolutely outstanding value for money. TRIMFIX HellFire is highly aggressive on all metals thanks to the unique and innovative ceramic hybrid abrasive grinding-cloth. This extremely abrasive flap disc […]
Eisenblätter 91524 TRIMFIX® ZIRCOPUR® 125 x 22.2 mm, grain 40, flap disc. For universal grinding work on steel and stainless steel. The quality flap disc with revolutionary TRIMFIX® backing plate technology, equipped with high-tech zirconium fabric for first-class processing results, for this quality, unbeatable low price. The disc adapts perfectly to the workpiece surface thanks […]
Eisenblätter 91524 TRIMFIX® ZIRCOPUR® 125 x 22.2 mm, grain 40, flap disc. For universal grinding work on steel and stainless steel. The quality flap disc with revolutionary TRIMFIX® backing plate technology, equipped with high-tech zirconium fabric for first-class processing results, for this quality, unbeatable low price. The disc adapts perfectly to the workpiece surface thanks […]
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