These durable BuildPro Mobility Casters roll smoothly on precision ball bearings, with non-marking, non-marring nylon polymer wheels. Dual toe-step braking system can be set for no-swivel, no-roll.
Notch tubes and pipes at the accurate angle and length The 1st notch in a tube or pipe is easily completed with a drillpress. The BuildPro®Tube & Pipe Notcher makes alignment andlength control of the 2nd notch easy to complete accurately.Use BuildPro®Clamps and Components to fixture stock foraccurate notching.Notch 25 – 63.5 mm OD pipes […]
Includes 30 x Ball Lock Bolts, Fixed ( 10 x T65010, 20 x T65015 ) 10 x Ball Lock Bolts, Adjustable ( T65050 ) 4 x Magnetic Rest Buttons ( 4 x T50737 ) 4 x Stops ( 4 x T64205 ) 12 x Straight Edge Stops ( 4 x T60505, T60510, T60517 ) 8 […]
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